The 80's was a great time to be a kid. The regulations that prevented TV shows to be made based on toys had just been repealed and the toy manufacturers went to work creating a lot of simply written, crudely drawn TV shows designed to convince children that they needed to buy toys. Now I can't watch that stuff without being overwhelmed with just how bad it all was but back then I couldn't get enough and ate it all up. My favorite show back then was G. I. Joe. It was also the one toy line that my brother and I collected. My first figure was in 1985. My Uncle John bought me Barbecue and my brother received Snow Job. The one figure though that I wanted and never was able to get was Scarlett. The 1982 figures were off the shelf by 1985 and Hasbro didn't make another Scarlett until 1993. Scarlett was awesome in the cartoon though. (Note of disclosure: I didn't read the comic book series until much later in life.) Being the lone female and the love interest of Duke, Scarlett was very important to the series and its plots. She even temporary becomes leader in the second mini-series after Duke is captured and Flint disappears.
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