One of the greatest females from English literature is Elizabeth Bennett in "Pride and Prejudice". Smart (yes, once again), witty and completely unwilling to sacrifice her principles despite her less than stellar position. Jennifer took on the role of Elizabeth in 1995 for the A&E 5 hour presentation of the classic. She brought a great presence to the role. There is a scene that I remember really well where Elizabeth is fighting with her mother over her rejection of a suitor. The mother goes to the father expecting him to force Elizabeth to marry the suitor. The father instead gives his support to Elizabeth causing the mother to fume. Jennifer just gives a look that speaks volumes towards communicating her superiority of position in that moment. The dialogue scenes that she shares with Colin Firth are a delight as they truly don't like each other so their conversation is a dance where both partners are trying to get the upper hand on the other.
Movies I've watched her in: Pride and Prejudice; The King's Speech; The Adjustment Bureau
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