Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rachel Nichols

The G. I. Joe film that came out in 2009 was the opportunity to have Scarlett brought to life in full color. She was played by Rachel Nichols. I first became aware of Rachel when she was starting to be pegged to take over on Alias for Jennifer Garner (although I never watched the show, I did know about it). P2 was an OK thriller about a girl who keeps kidnapped by a crazy parking lot attendant at Christmas time. I thought Rachel did a great job in the film in being a smart victim that stays sympathetic. She also played an Orion girl in Star Trek where she showed off a little of her comedy side. G. I. Joe and Conan both are action films where she plays the one major female heroine. I didn't like the Scarlett/Ripcord romance that much (I love the Scarlett/Snake-Eyes relationship from the comic) but I didn't feel the romance added anything to the movie at all.

Movies I've watched her in: P2; Star Trek; G. I. Joe: Rise of Cobra; Conan the Barbarian

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