Friday, February 20, 2015

Jennifer Lawrence

I’m not sure why.  Maybe I’ve watched too many sci-fi movies that wanted to be Star Wars and make huge money on limited budgets but I always feel like there isn’t much interest in bringing in talented actors or actresses to play these roles.  Getting Patrick Stewart to play Professor X seemed so impossible in the pre-2000 world that I lived in.  Comic books were not mainstream and the idea that major actors would want to play these roles seemed like a pipe dream.  Superman and Batman seemed the exception to the rule just because they were so iconic that they had jumped over to the silver screen and be half-heartedly accepted.

Then Blade came out and showed that movies based on Marvel comic books could make money.  Suddenly, Fox announced that they were doing an X-Men movie and filled it with a mix of established talent and unknown actors.  After they ran into the ground after three movies, they rebooted the franchise with a prequel.  Getting James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender was spectacular and awesome but the best casting may have been getting Jennifer Lawrence to play Mystique.  Jennifer Lawrence was just coming off being nominated for an academy award for “Winter’s Bone” but was still unknown to most of the movie audience.  That did not last long though as “X-Men: First Class” and then especially “Hunger Games” shot her into the spotlight and the top of the entertainment hot list.  Since then, she has done a great job switching between the two huge franchises and doing quality Oscar-nominated work for “Silver Linings Playbook” and “American Hustle”

One has to wonder what will happen when Hunger Games ends this year and X-Men: Apocalypse comes out next year.  I don’t know how many X-Men movies she is signed to and whether or not she would keep doing them or leave to do more Oscar-bait films.

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